
Voices Never Heard

Van Gogh image of prison

Some people insist a falling tree makes a sound whether anyone hears it or not. But what does it really mean, to “make a sound” in a universe with no organisms to perceive it? For that matter, what’s a “universe” in the absence of any perception? Similarly, I asked: what’s a life that no one knows of? Non-prisoners may occasionally think of prisoners – usually as memories or some other abstraction – but they rarely directly perceive them.

We scream; no one hears.

We cry; no one hears.

We write; no one reads.

We reach out; no one responds.

Dymitri Haraszewski


In "Voices Never Heard" you will have the opportunity to hear the thoughts and feelings of over 20 incarcerated sex offenders, and learn something about the world that they live in. Their accounts will challenge any stereotype you might bring to this subject, because every one is unique, and each has his own story.

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