The World, The Flesh and Myself
The author of this book, who describes himself as a pedophile from birth, introduces his narrative in this manner:
In these chapters I've tried to put down, as frankly as I know how, the sequence of my development from a child little different from any other into what I have remained—an 'eternal adolescent', as a German writer has put it. I can't say why I turned out as I did; but I can describe how the growth proceeded, and let the story itself throw up the symptoms that seem to have foreshadowed it, what emotional and moral quirks of character accompanied it, and how conduct right through life has been governed by it. Myself, a very ordinary person—I'm of no interest; but the heresy, which after all is that of millions of men up and down humanity (and maybe that of thousands more being born today), probably is.
And besides, my life has taken me into some bizarre corners of experience and a quaintly varied acquaintance, from primeministers to bootblacks. These are the excuses for this book.
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